Multiple Mummies Night Out

At Twins at Totstime we know only too well how much time we devote to our babes, and how little time we put aside for ourselves. That's where our Multiple Mummies night comes in.
Give yourself some 'timeout' and have a treat with other mums of multiples on Saturday 16th April at 6.30pm - 7pm start.
Enjoy an evening chatting with friends from Twins at Totstime at M's Beauty Therapy, together with a choice of a mini-treatment and a four course meal; all for £33.50 per person.
A £10 deposit per person is required by Friday 1st April; the balance can be paid in part payments made at our group sessions leading up to the night out or in full on the night.
This invitation is open to past and present members of Twins at Totstime and would love to see as many multiple mummies as possible. It's a fantastic opportunity for us to all catch up without our little one's pulling at our arms and/or legs while we chat!
If you would like to join us then send us a message or email us at