We've all been there....
Today I had a family day out with my four girls, my Mum, my brother and his family. We all went to a local theme park and let the kiddies run off some steam.
It was a fabulous day, with a few showers but luckily part of the theme park has soft play indoors. We managed to grab a large table to accommodate the 11 of us so that we could sit and have some lunch; after which, the kids happily took themselves off to the indoor adventure play. I remember dreaming of this day.... I remember having a toddler of 3 years and 6 month old twins and yearning for the day they would play together. I remember having a 6 year old with 4 year old twins and a 2 year old toddler and needing to accompany them on the slides, the climbing frames and generally running around with them... this way Mummy, I want to go on this one Mummy, you have to do it too Mummy. Mummy just wants to sit for 5 minutes with a cuppa, please.
Today I had that chance and while I was enjoying the moment, I caught sight of another twin mum. She had what appeared to be two older children (between the ages of 10 and 12 years old) with her and then baby twins. There was no seating available (lunchtime and it was raining intermittently outside), so she parked the double pushchair up against the railings of a ride, handed the older children a bottle each and started to prepare the feeds for the babies. I remember being that person; I remember the feelings of all eyes on you - so I couldn't sit by and watch. I went over, introduced myself as another mother of twins and asked what I could do to help.
The other twin mum looked so relieved and graciously accepted my help. It is hard having twins, people do stare and yes, we still have lives to lead and sometimes other children to entertain.
Stacey, you're doing an amazing job. Your babies are beautiful and you should be so proud of yourself for getting yourself, your babies and your toddler out of the house today, well done!
Next time you're out and about, and see a fellow twin mum, say hi, let them know that you're a twin mum too and that you too know the highs and lows.
Hey, we're not all lucky enough to have 6 nannies to help us look after our newborn twins ;)